Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I have a bone too pick with feminists. Personally, i am highly supportive of women's rights, but feminists really shit me.

Firstly, and mainly, the think all men are chauvinistic pigs. This is not true. Many men are quite nice to women. Feminists, get we are not out to get you! Get this into your heads!

Second of all, they seem to like the double-standard. For those of you who don't know, this is means one set of rules for one person, and a different set for another. It seems to me, that feminists are aloud to have their all-women group, but when men start a guys only group, they'll come down on you like a fucking tonne of bricks. So much for equal rights.

I'd like to give any feminists reading this page a message: NOT ALL MEN ARE FUCKING SEXIST! in fact, your the sexist ones!

I hope you enjoyed this article. (unless your a feminists, then I hope you've learnt a lesson)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Medievil Church

Something that really shits me happened today. I walked into my classroom and saw that the year eights were studying the medievil church, and this really set me off. Not because I'm a christian (that'll happen when hell freezes over) but becuase its my favourite subject, and i never got to do it in yr. 8, because i had the to worst teachers in the school. This set me in a bad mood for quite a while and made everyone else suffer from hearing my ranting. I hope my SOSE teachers are happy.

Thanks for (not) listening

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


You know what really grinds my gears? people who use the words 'nerd' and 'gay' as deregotary words. Nerds are segregated into a group and bullied because they enjoy different things. This is called prejudice, and it is petty to discriminate against people because there intelligent, play video games, etc.

People who use the word 'gay' as a dereogatory word are just as bad, if not worse. Homosexuals have not been persecuted for thousands of years to have the word most commonly used to describe them used as an insult, especially just as people were beginning to accept them.

Please heed my words and apply them two your daily life.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Fact busting

It is a common circulating fact that month, silver, sporange and purple. The people who propagate this fact are wrong. Here are some rhyming words:

  • Hunth- a hundred thousand
  • Chilver-a female lamb
  • Sporange-a varinat of sporangium
  • hirple-to limp

Take that, book of useless information!

Dogs vs. cats

Which is better, a dog or a cat? lets compare them.


  • Loving
  • Forgiving
  • Loyal
  • Cute (mostly)


  • Have a personlity
  • Are evil and twisted
  • Bring dead animals two me (if i wanted a dead bird, i would've poisened their drinking fountain)
  • can hate or like you
  • only cute at birth

This is why i like dogs.

Comment of the day

Kids in the back seat cause accidents, accidents in the back seat cause kids.


I am torn between love and hate with christians. On a personal basis, I have nothing against most christians. I find them to be generally nice people. In a group or on a global scale, it really shits me.

Reasons why I think Christianity is stupid

  • Christianity's views on women, although nowadays, they aren't too bad, but back in medievil times they were well, medievil.
  • They used to burn women for being witches. Everyone knows this, but the way the found supposed 'witches' is just evil. The witch hunters had a pen, that when pressed into the skin, would supposedly sink into the skin and find the mark of the devil. In reality, the nib went inside the pen, so people thought it [the pen] had found the mark, but really it was just an excuse to burn the women.
  • They hit and beat the women.
  • Women had no freedom of speech-women could get punished for scolding there husbands, even if it was true.
These are but some of the problems i find with Christianity.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Cool things to do on AOMx

On age of mythology:

Get the tartarian gate power, and open it in your enemies base. They can't destory the gate, because it's yours, and the beasts kill them.

Comment of the Day

Before you insult someone, walk a mile in their shoes. then, by the time you insult them, your a mile away, and have a free pair of shoes.

Brontosaurus-It doesn't fucking exist!

you know what really grinds my gears? The name brontosaurus. I would just like to make a point to all none-dinosaur geeks. BRONTOSAURUS DOESN'T EXIST!!!!!!

When Charles Oneil Marsh and Edward Drinker Cope had their massive fossil race, the both discovered the same dinosaur, at different times, and name them different things. One of these names is Brontosaurus. When the similiarities were discovered, the dinosaur was named apatosaurus, not brontosaurus. Brontosaurus doesn't exist!

One exception however, is in the latest version of king kong. The large herbivorous dinosaurs ARE brontosaurs, but being on the island for 65 million years mutated them into a new sub-species.

Please adhere to these facts, or I will not be responsible for my actions.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Things that COULD be cool

Every week i will try and write down at least one thing that COULD be cool.
However, there generally quite heartless. Here are two of them.

I maintain a great interest in genetics. I think it would be 'interesting' to try and create a sperm with 46 chromosomes. normally, a sperm only contains 23 chromosomes, and the egg has 23 chromosomes, which form an embryo. if a sperm with 46 chromosomes combined with an egg (I can't stress the word IF enough) it would (most likely) be a miscarriage. If not, then who knows what the offspring would be like.

I would be interesting to inject caustic soda (pH 14) into someone's stomach, where it mixes with the stomach acid (pH 1.5) and would create a bigger version of the old paper-mache volcanoes, only foam would probably be streaming out of the person's mouth for at least an hour.

Find out more next week.

Problem no.1 with this world

Problem no. 1

The following views are my own, and highly opinionated. feel free to point out errors. If you have a problem with my swearing, fucking deal with it.

The nuclear energy debate

What is the problem with nuclear energy? people are so worried about having nuclear power staions near them, for fear of radiation poisoning, nuclear meltdown, etc. i have several pints to make about this.

no.1 incase people didn't already no, their is a nuclear power station in sydney. This is used to produced medical materials for treatment of cancer. i would like to note that it HASN'T FUCKING EXPLODED!

no.2 Chernobyl. Chernobyl is probably the worst nuclear disaster in history. when the chernobyl no.4 generator exploded, it spread radioactive debris over most of western europe. This raised many qusetions about the safety of nuclear energy. I would like to make several important notes.

Chernobyl was a very shoddily maintained nuclear facility in the first place. this was one of the contributing factors.

second of all, and MOST importantly, the engineers truned of the safety in order to run several tests. this was completely idiotic and is the main factor that contributed to the melt down.

This is the main reason that many people in Australia don't want nuclear power. This is were they are wrong. And here are some reasons.

Nuclear power is a clean energy source. its reliable. as for nuclear waste, theres a fucking unused desert in the middle of australia. the best storage oppurtunity. and if that doesn't work, then we could end up with cool mutants.

Of all the nuclear power plants in the world, only two have had meltdowns. The first is chernobyl, the details of which i have listed above, the other is 3 mile island, which i don't know anything about. thats TWO of the hundreds of plants that had a meltdown. the chance are astronomical.

Finally, we have massive stores of uranium in australia, why not fucking use them! sell them to other countries! use them ourselves! just do something with them instead of letting them sit there! I'm talking to you Mr. Rudd!

I hope you enjoyed (or got aggraveted) by my blog.

find out more stuff that annoys me next week!